The Alpha NEIRO Dominating Solana Chain.

The next 1000X NEIRO

Burnt LP   |  CMC&CG Fast   |   Zero Tax   |   Daily Trend    Pro Team  |   Big Marketing |   CEX List    |   Huge KOLs CA: 4em2T63uWG3i7Sb4skYA2o6NZh9Z1drhy3feR7TnCD4Z

Why NEIRO on Solana

Launching NEIRO Token on the Solana blockchain ensures lightning-fast transactions, ultra-low fees, and a scalable ecosystem, making it the ideal foundation for powering the next generation of decentralized applications and seamless user experiences.

Burnt LP

The Burnt LP feature ensures long-term value appreciation by reducing token supply.

Daily Trend

daily trends highlight constant growth and engagement.

Big Marketing

robust marketing strategy, NEIRO Token is poised to capture attention and drive mass adoption, making it a powerful player in the decentralized space.

Zero Tax

No taxes to ensure a fast, safe transactions to all holders.

Our Success roadmap


✅Building up the site and social community channels. ✅ Conducting and analyzing the showcase. ✅ Whitepaper creating. ✅ Starting showcasing campaigns to pull in potential crypto investors. ✅ Keen contract actualizing and conducting a contract review for security and unwavering quality. ✅ Raydium launch(22-Sep-2024).


✅ Initiating marketing campaigns #2. ✅ Collaborating with influencers and key conclusion pioneers within the crypto space to grow the reach. ○ Building up organizations with other meme ventures, cultivating cross-promotion and collaborative activities. ○ DEX Platforms trending. ○ CMC & CG Listing. ○ Organizing community events, contests, and giveaways to incentivize participation and attract new members. ○ + 5,000 Holders.


○ Initiating marketing campaigns #3. ○ Applying for centralized exchanges (CEX) listing. ○ Develop and launch NEIRO Token's own features. ○ Organizing more community events, and giveaways to enhance the holders' experience. ○ + 10,000 Holders.


○ Initiating marketing campaigns #4. ○ Focusing on expanding NEIRO Token's presence in key global markets. ○ Establishing localized communities and language-specific communication channels. ○ Collaborating with global influencers, media outlets, and industry associations to build trust and credibility. ○ Developing strategic partnerships with established projects or organizations in target markets. ○ Continuously improve user experience and optimize the token's utility to attract a broader user base. ○ + 20,000 holders.

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